Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Every day Miracles happen once we are Reconnected!

Every day miracles happen in our life once we Reconnected ourselves with God, and all we have to do is just sit there and try to listen to what Hes says. That's all we have to do. That's why we call it meditation or silent praying in the closet or contemplating on God, whatever you want to call it. It's just a silent communication with God so that we know what to do with our life. After that, we never worry about anything. Because we know that God takes care of us in every way. Before that, even when we do things all smoothly, we still worry that it might go wrong afterwards.

When something goes wrong, we will wait and see because we know that later God will bring us somewhere else which is where we're supposed to be, and we know that's why things go wrong in the first place. So we live our life in peace, in security and in the immense love of God, every second of our life, awake or asleep. Because we have the choice to leave the coarse, the gross, the rough level of energy behind us or below us, and we have the choice to ascend into a higher level of life, which exists at the same time and takes out whatever goodness there is from the higher level.

Part excerpts of SMCH lecture in Poland May 11th, Together we can choose a bright Destiny.

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