Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Vegan Chinese New Year !!

Happy Vegan Chinese New Year in Advance to Everyone!!

May all humanity joining the compassionate way of life and, always live in full Love with Nature.
May all have a blessed year, all in good health and happy always.
May all humanity be ascended to higher level of consciousness, and
May our planet Earth becomes an Eden Garden very soon.

Word of Wisdom 104

There is good in both marriage and friendship in this world.
The greatest advantage is that we can provide mutual help and
remind each other of the Self Nature within and
of the importance of spiritual practice.
If there is any situation or relationship that can always remind us of spiritual practice and
the Self Self Nature inside, it's a good relationship, with good affection and emotion.

(by Supreme Master Ching Hai)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Word of Wisdom 103

When you smile, your whole smiles too;
and your level of consciousness automatically rises up to some extent.
So, smile a lot.
Smile during times of both happiness and sorrow.
Cry when you must, but smile when you cry as well.
Let tears fall but, then smile in your heart.
Try to smile whenever you can.

( by Supreme Master Ching Hai)




即使他们说有发展疫苗等,我们现在很无助,病毒不断突变,现在已经很可怕。我不知道未来怎么样,甚至科学家也这么说。当病毒突变成更致命的病毒,可能更可怕,现在已经很致命,他们说会再突变,这合乎逻辑。即使有疫苗我们还是很无助。我告诉你,我们无法阻挡恶业的报应,我们只能祈祷。 即使现在有疫苗,人们害怕注射疫苗,即使是发展疫苗的人,也不敢注射疫苗,因为可怕的副作用可能永远瘫痪,注射疫苗可能会死,所以他们拒绝注射,宁可感染 病毒而死或许还有存活的机会,一半一半的机会。但若我们注射疫苗副作用已很明显,大部分医护人员坚决拒绝注射疫苗,因为他们怕死了。现在许多父母拒绝让孩 子注射疫苗。我不怪他们这个很可怕,甚至非我们所能控制。

现 在我们有各种灾难,除了全球暖化之外,各地有这么多威胁,但全球暖化是大部分灾难的主因,肉品业是所有灾难的元凶,我们需要停止这问题的肇因,不是靠疫 苗,而是靠道德。靠我们内在所有的天堂品质,我们只需拿出来用,我们是人类,上帝的儿女。我们不去骚扰小鸡;我们不钓鱼,不让鱼在空中尖叫;我们不把猪关 起来,让他们生病受折磨,然后怪他们造成流感;我们不把小虾活生生油炸。真可怕!这不是人的作为,我们不该这样做,若这样做就不该抱怨可怕的灾难发生在我 们的身上。我们需做的只是回头,以人类标准生活,像上帝的儿女,上帝的儿女是天使般、有爱心、慈悲、保护弱小。

(Source: 上帝之子女)

Please be mercy to all animals on Earth, they do have feelings, can feel pain like all of us (humans). Please let them "free" in order for us to free from any virus infection and disease, and love them too.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Word of Wisdom 102

We have to look at the bright side of the sun,
in the bright side of the corner.
That's how we keep happy and contented,
and develop our creative talent and our happy nature.
We can't always expect things
to come out the way we want.
But, we should accept things as God arranged.
That's always fun and surprising and tasty, you know?
It makes life more interesting.

Supreme Master Ching Hai



——阿肯色州燕八哥集体死亡之真相! (转寄告知)






燕八哥:请不要怀疑和惊恐,这是我们牺牲自己、唤醒人类的做法。地 球被破坏的很严重,本来受损是一定会有的,也都可以修复,但是因为太严重了,连修复都没办法了,大地的哀嚎你们人类听不到,它在哭泣你们视而不见,我们生 活在这样的环境很痛苦,对我们来说是很煎熬的事情,因为一方面要忍受你们人类的破坏,另一方面我们聆听大地的哭泣。这是我们唯一可以做的了,算是送给妳们的礼物,希望可以让人类醒过来。












Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Word of Wisdom 101

When a Master comes to Earth,
not only are the disciples uplifted and shown wisdom,
but the whole race of humankind is
purified and uplifted
to a certain level of consciousness.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Live Conference with SMCH on New Year Eve (2011)

Master's noble plans for all beings and our planet Earth, for more details please watch the re-broadcast in the near future.


SMCH:我刚完成B计划,我很高兴成功达成,感谢众神与众圣,在此时伸出援手...B计 划是万一人类不改变生活,我们无法拯救地球上的生命,如果地球做不了,当他们往生离开人世,为拯救这些灵魂,甚至是十恶不赦的人,不至于下地狱,我存下足 够的功德,用尽目前我所赚的全部功德,那是多少功德呢?数不清的功德,无法计数的功德,这些功德足够救一百亿的灵魂,也就是足够全世界目前与未来的人,我 只希望我有好的环境、足够时间与健康来继续C计划,然后D计划。

May Master always blessed with Good Health and successful in all missions for all beings on Earth.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Japan's First Lady had an encountered with ET

In one of Master's teleconference on SMTV's Between Master & Disciples program, a disciple mentioned about the Japan's First Lady who had an encountered with ET and due to curiosity to know more about it, i did a little search on the internet. And, the below is part of an interview and news on (dated 9/2/2009): -

"While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus," Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year. "It was a very beautiful place and it was really green."(She is referring to planet Venus.)

I believed this is a beautiful encountered, absolutely, and proud of her good job in sharing her close encounter with another planet with the World. Definitely, this is another proof of the existence of ET and UFOs, and of course we are never alone.