Thursday, March 17, 2011

【转】 凤凰期刊21 期-人类将成为宇宙新的造物主之合作者

凤凰期刊是揭露一些宇宙和地球真相的一份杂志(是由基督迈克假借Hatonn星际舰队指挥的身份于上个世纪90年代初传递的),基督迈克(Christ Michael)是地球所在的地方性宇宙Nebadon之造物主,2000多年前他曾投生为拿撒勒的耶稣(Jesus Christ)来劝导世人觉醒,但那时人类的灵性觉悟根本无法去接受他的教导,最后人们的无知与嫉妒把耶稣送上了十字架。如今是他带领银河星际舰队、天使 圣团与其他灵性大师重新回到地球周围,来帮助人类的再次提升。







接收自#1 HATONN



When the universe reaches a point of maximum expansion, a unique phenomenon will take place. There will be a moment when all laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materializing processes become suspended. Due to the relative velocities of the various star systems, this event will not be experienced simultaneously in all parts of the universe, but will travel as a wave across the sea of creation.


Existing within this ripple of non-time will be the focused conscious attention of the Creator. As it passes through the material realms, it will stay and take up residence in all life forms with circuitry capable of mirroring its essence. This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation; the moment for which we are attempting to prepare you.


This is the much misunderstood “Second Coming of Christianity”. It is the event that primitive civilizations have looked forward to as “the return of the gods”. The Mayans went so far as to pinpoint its actual occurrence in what you would call the year 2011 A.D. Yet while many of your traditions hint at what is about to transpire, none of them have adequately conveyed the magnitude of impact such an event will have. Indeed, no single conceptual structure is capable of conveying the enormity of what is soon to take place.

就是被大大误解的基督再临。这就是原始文明所期望的众神回归事件。玛雅人甚至精确地将它的实际发生定位在你们所说的公元2011年。然而尽管你们 有许多传说暗示了即将被揭露的事件,却没有任何一个传说精确地传达这样一个事件所将带来的重大影响。的确,任何单一的观念结构都无法传达很快即将发生的事 件之巨大。

Those familiar with the scriptures of your various peoples should be in position to understand what is occurring for these are the times spoken of. Yet you must realize that God did not invent the words used in scripture. He merely arranged them in the order most approximating His meaning. Further, He only presented them in mental pictures and through the years of translation and deliberate tampering most meaning is distorted and damaged.

些熟悉你们各民族的神圣典籍的人们,应该能够理解什么正在发生,因为这就是书中所谈及的时间。然而你必须认识到,上帝并没有发明被用于圣典中的文字。上帝 只不过将文字有序排列,以最接近于他的含意。而且,上帝仅仅将文字以心灵图像的形式呈现出来,经过长年的转译以及蓄意篡改,大部分含意已被扭曲与破坏。

What is actually happening requires all of biological life to convey its meaning.


Words can symbolize this but hardly portray it fully enough to stand alone. If you would know the deepest Truth of scripture, look not to words alone but to the great momentum of spirit within your own soul. This is where the living history is being made. In a way that would be impossible for your rational intellect to comprehend, this forthcoming event is human history. The sum total of all that has happened on your planet is but the shadow cast before.

字可以象征化地表现这种含意,但是仅靠文字很难完全充分地描绘它。如果你想知道圣典中最深层的真理,不要仅仅注意文字,更要关注你灵魂之内伟大的精神动 力。活生生的历史正是在这里被创造着。在某种程度上这对于你们的理性智力会无法理解,这个即将来临的事件是人类历史。你们星球上所发生的一切,不过是投射 自过去的映像。

In a very real sense, you have not yet been born. You are still in an embryonic state. You have yet to receive the touch of God's total definition. Through the long years of human history on Earth, your species has been forming the cells that are to comprise the directive aspect of the physical body of the Creator within Creation. Gestation upon this planet has but set the stage for the emergence of the Planetary Being now taking definite form. This Planetary Being is actually “who you are”.

切地说,你还尚未出生。你仍然在胚胎状态。你尚未接触到上帝的完整定义。经过地球上漫长的人类历史,你们的种族已经形成了即将构成属于造物主的物理身体指 令方面的细胞。地球上的孕育期已经为现在成形的行星存有的出现创设条件。这种行星存有实际上就是你之所是

Has it occurred to you that the mathematical probability of your being here is infinitesimal? Were you not here, living proof of the impossible, an excellent case could be made for your non-existence--and still can prevail in conceptual reasoning. Within the framework of law that was of necessity instituted to create and govern these material realms, the existence of biological life would not have been possible, except were it to enter through that one moment when that law was suspended. Ponder this carefully. Such is the origin of biology; the fusion of Spirit and Matter. The impact of this single creative moment is so vast, so far-reaching, that the shock waves sent out before it have given rise to all of the biological life that now exists upon your planet.

是否想过,你存在于此处的数学概率是微乎其微的?假如你不在这里,作为不可能性的生动证据,可以很好地证明你的不存在——也可以通过概念推理来成功论证 (你不存在)。在为创造与管理物理界域而必须设立的法则构架内,生物生命的存在应该是不可能的,除非进入那一个时刻——法则被暂停。仔细思考一下。这就是 生物的起源;灵性与物质的融合。这一个创造性时刻的影响是如此巨大,如此深远,振动波(shock waves)在引起了现存于你们地球的一切生物生命之前就已经发出。

You are living in the shadow of an event not yet taken place. Yet it is you, yourself, under all your layers of false identity that cause this event as you approach ever nearer to the Earth. From within the context of history, it appears that there has been, on this planet, a progression of increasingly complex life-forms evolving toward ever higher levels of consciousness. It appears that there has been an evolutionary process. But this is not the case. What is actually occurring is that the matter of Earth is falling under the influence of your vibrational body. This influence naturally increases as you draw nearer. Only when the center of your spirit touches the center of the Earth will Life on this planet be fully manifest in form. The same Truth can be presented, however, in that it HAS ALREADY OCCURRED LONG PRIOR TO THIS MOMENT AS YOU PERCEIVE IT AND YOU ARE BUT A REENACTMENT OF THAT WHICH WAS COME BEFORE.

们正活在一个尚未发生的事件的映像之中。然而是你们,正是在层层虚假身份之下的你们自己,随着愈加接近地球而引起这个事件。从历史背景来看,似乎这个星球 上复杂的生命形式一直向着更高层次的意识不断进化发展着。似乎这里存在着一个进化过程。然而并非如此。真正发生着的是,地球上的物质在你的振动体的影响下 沉落。随着你愈加接近,这种影响自然地增长。唯有当你的灵性核心接触到地球的核心,这个星球上的生命才将完全成型显现。然而,同样的真理可以被描述为,它 在你察觉到它之前很久就已经发生,你不过是重演曾经到来过的。

This is not difficult to understand. What you have considered to be history or in other terms, the evolution of the species, is only what you have been able to observe through the distorted medium of a fragmented and quite subjective intelligence, trapped within the past-future orientation of linear time. From such a perspective, the act of Creation could appear as a progressive, sequential process. To the extent that you are able to identify with the spirit that gives you consciousness however, it becomes a much simpler matter: you have yet to arrive. You are still on your way, so to speak. Sitting there reading these words is only a reflection of your unconscious totality as it prepares to become fully revealed on the day of awakening.

不难理解。你所以为的历史,或用其他措辞--种族进化,仅仅是你通过智力——片面且非常主观,深陷于过去-未来定向的线性时间——这样一种扭曲的媒介所能 够观察到的。以这种视角来观察,造物的演化看似是一个渐进的连续的进程。到你能够与给予你意识的灵性融合的程度,这变成了一个更简单的问题:你尚未抵达。 可以说,你仍然在路上。坐在那里阅读这些文字,仅仅是准备在觉醒之日完全揭露的你的无意识集合的一个映像。

Your real life will begin when the Creator gives you His definition in form. Within the womb of history, your species has been primarily defined by the Earth-Mother who is helping to prepare the clay. She is only interested in getting the form arranged according to specification. Her only knowledge of Spirit is that it brings forth her potential.


When the Father‘s center merges with the center of the Earth, the collectivity of human consciousness will awaken to a unified field identity. You will be born. After that, the influence of Matter will not affect your consciousness as dominantly as it did during the historical gestation period. The Earth will continue to suckle the species, so to speak, for another millennium before you are capable of going off on your own, but even during that period the Father‘s influence will be much greater than it is today.

天父之核心与地球的核心融合,人类意识全体将觉醒到一种统一场特性。你将诞生。在此之后,物质的影响将不再如同历史孕育期里那样支配性地作用于你的意识。 可以说,在你们能够独自远行之前,地球将继续哺育你们的种族另外一千年,但即使在那个阶段,父之影响也比现在强烈得多。

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