Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Be Vegan is the Best Insurance Policy

At school, all of us is taught to think logic, be proactive and react quickly to problems. To solve problem, we were taught to find root cause of the problem and fix it immediately without delay. But, when we grew up I noticed that most of the time we annoyed, we hate problems and henceforth, always leave our problems aside whether is related to family, love, career, earth or business, etc.

Since young, we were taught to love our families, relatives, friends and environment. These are why we have so many festivals and holidays to value and appreciate people around us, I supposed. We have Mother's Day and Father's Day to show respect, honour and appreciate for their loves to us, Teacher's Day to appreciate what they taught us at school, and many more. Do you still remember of Gotong Royong Day at primary school? We do cleaning and collecting rubbish at our school or nearby kampung. Hey, we were taught to love our planet Earth since primary school and we were so enjoy and cooperate at that time.

After we left school, how many of us help to pick up a rubbish or paper bag or plastic bag on the ground that we saw at pasar malam? How many of us throw plastic bags and/or polystyrene foam (mostly known as styrofoam, white food container) after you finished your delicious Malaysian foods bought from pasar malam? How many of us will say, "Aiya, the Bandaraya people will sweep the floor later, so just throw it on the floor/ground la. "Sigh....

At home, we were taught to respect our elderly and relatives since young age also. But, something that I always not agreed is that we were taught to respect and value our life, but why not animals' life too. Small animals were slaughtered and cooked as food to fulfill our stomach. I thought we were taught to love our families, relatives and friends then why are we, humanity acting cruelty against small animals who also have families and friends. And, humanity always blaming this not fair, that not fair then what about the life of the small animals on your dinner's plate. Is there a justice for them? Do you ever give the chicken a chance to defend itself before you slaughtered and cooked it as your food?

Thanks to the advance technology, we are now living in a century that give full access of information and freedom. Just a click, we get access to information we need almost instantly. We all knew that alcohol and cigarette are bad for our health and it increases our risk of diagnosis into various cancers. But, how many of us already started to plan where to go partying for this coming X'mas and New Year?.. You might said, hello, this is my body who cares!

Hey, we also knew meat eating is bad for our health and you also knew that how the chicken is fed at the farm. We knew but, ignored the fact. Because of our ignorance, selfishness and reluctant to change, our planet Earth is now facing a great danger. We are not only put our health at risk, but also our mother Earth, the place where our next generations going stay is at risk now.

Become a vegan is like buying an insurance policy to cover yourself, your loved ones and our planet Earth as "Meat eating is a major cause of global warming." is a fact that you and I can not deny. It is the No. 1 contributor to greenhouse gases that causing warming on our Earth's surface and the root cause to many natural disasters that take away precious life. So, should we apply what we had learned at school that is to go direct to the cause and fix it?

What is global warming? Global warming is defined by Wikipedia as "the increased in average temperature on Earth's surface air and oceans. Artic ice melt faster when our Earth's surface get warmer and it caused sea levels to rise eventually lead to more floods, typhoons, hurricanes and other natural disasters. What can we do to stop global warming?

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that increased in average temperature since middle of 20th century was caused by concentration of greenhouse gases resulting from human activities, mainly livestock production. Henceforth, many scientists agreed that the best and fastest solution to stop warming on our Earth's surface is to adopt vegetarian diet.

Why vegetarian? If all nations change to adopt vegetarian/vegan diet, meaning no more demand for meat henceforth livestock farmers will have to stop animals farming and start vegetables farming eventually lead to cut greenhouse gases from livestock production, end poverty, starvation and a good start for a more compassionate world. Another word, Vegan diet is the quickest and most inexpensive way to reduce carbon emissions as compared to switch the entire world to zero-carbon economy and lifestyle that need billions or trillions of dollars, and it takes thousands of years for the gas to dissipate. But, vegan diet give immediate cut down on greenhouse gases emissions, stabilize Earth's surface temperature and very economy.

To stop global warming, we have to stop meat-eating and start to adopt vegan diet. And, by doing so, you are buying the best and valuable insurance policy to cover your family, loved ones and mother Earth. And, also to preserve this beautiful planet Earth for our future generations.

And, as what Master CH stated in her new book "From Crisis To Peace - The Organic Vegan Way is The Answer", if all 100% humanity turns to vegan/vegetarian then all disasters will stop within 8 weeks. So, please believe in Her and Let's Be Vegan!

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