Monday, January 25, 2010

Let's welcome Chinese New Year in a Compassionate way

Time really flies, just like a blink of eye it is now 2010 and Chinese New Year is around the corner. This year CNY and Valentine Day fall on the same day, which is on February 14, 2010. To many, especially kids and loving couples absolutely feel very excited and can't wait for this Happy day to come. And, I believe many of us are happily welcoming and start to prepare lots of delicious biscuits and foods for this CNY.

BUT, most of the time, I rather sad and worry when CNY approaching because I can feel someone and many mothers are crying and worrying that their children will be killed. This sound weird, isn't it? Who is so cruel and dare to kill your children? .. Sigh...

When earthquakes strike Haiti, people feel sad and sorry for the homeless kids and extend generous help to Haitians. Then how about the countless innocent and loving small animals that were slaughtered to serve on dining table everyday and especially during festive seasons, like CNY? Can we all start to a have a more compassionate CNY this year? Yes? Then, let's start to adopt vegetarian or vegan for this CNY!

God, I pray to you and hope that more people can aware that we are one with You, we are all brothers and sisters, including our animals friends on Earth and then we all can live happily together with peace and harmony.

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