Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cost for a Luxury Life

Accidentally came across a blog that belongs to a friend’s wife and found out that both my friend and his wife spend a lot on branded clothing, bags and shoes, and also expensive dining.
Oh My… I find it you should not spend so much on all these material things, where only costs you all your hard-earned money and make you ended up with full of credit cards debts. God blesses you, my friend.

I personally find that credit cards are bad for fresh graduates, who just came out from Universities and step into this social world. Today's fresh graduate is earning at a salary range of RM1,800 to Rm 2,500 but, a branded handbag start with character "C" sell at around RM2K or much higher depends on design and colors. The poorest thing is these fresh graduates mostly, ended up with lots of credit cards debts due to the temptation at the display column at shopping centers and branded shop outlets.

For those who has credit cards, please only use your credit card when necessary and wisely. Avoid using it to show off or buying what you already have, especially when you do not have the cash to pay your credit card company.

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