Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year !!!
May Peace on Earth, Heaven on Earth!!
Everyone stays healthy, pretty and handsome with Vegan Diet!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
我已奔遍 萬重宇宙
有朝一日 盼見故人
千年已遠 我仍等待
時間漫長 如情不朽!
往昔眼眸 美如藍海碧浪
金黃絨髮 恰似夕照晚霞
編織熱夢 多時情深意切!
輕柔足跡 卵石亦陶醉
香甜笑容 撒滿春花
美聲夜曲 安撫歸鳥
金足婀娜 歡樂滿山林
嫩草搖曳 色映天雲如彩衫
千萬秋冬過 月兒仍徘徊
高舉你的愛 登寶座 戴王冕
人在此 我魂滿星月
心猶豫 霎時花盛開
冰冷卵石 翻滾漂流於地海
日盡夜深 枕被濕 滿愁容
誰知曉 此地愁無涯
冷風呼嘯 漫長音單寂
眼垂閉 熱淚遮
思念足跡 踏遍天涯
萬星閃爍 讚頌汝名
「此本詩集字句清新,韻律諧和,意境優美,神思飄逸,並追求藝術形式的浪 漫、華美,具有鮮明的藝術風格,似即興而發,信手拈來,卻韻致深厚!詩中除了時時出現藝術美感,更常常出現慈悲大愛,越去品嚐這本詩集的詩作,愈覺其詩中 之愛,彷彿將人不斷向上提昇,最終達到一種純粹的、極致的真善美境界。…」
I'm going to Taiwan, so I'm going to buy this book very soon.. :p share more after i read this book!!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Supreme Master Ching Hai interviewed by Journalist Luis Ballesteros
Published in El Quintanarroense newspaper (December 12, 2010)
Luis Ballesteros (M): Wow.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: And black carbon is even 4,000-plus more warming than CO2.
Luis Ballesteros (M): Wow!
Let's Be Vegan 2 Save The Planet!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Be Vegan is the Best Insurance Policy
Since young, we were taught to love our families, relatives, friends and environment. These are why we have so many festivals and holidays to value and appreciate people around us, I supposed. We have Mother's Day and Father's Day to show respect, honour and appreciate for their loves to us, Teacher's Day to appreciate what they taught us at school, and many more. Do you still remember of Gotong Royong Day at primary school? We do cleaning and collecting rubbish at our school or nearby kampung. Hey, we were taught to love our planet Earth since primary school and we were so enjoy and cooperate at that time.
After we left school, how many of us help to pick up a rubbish or paper bag or plastic bag on the ground that we saw at pasar malam? How many of us throw plastic bags and/or polystyrene foam (mostly known as styrofoam, white food container) after you finished your delicious Malaysian foods bought from pasar malam? How many of us will say, "Aiya, the Bandaraya people will sweep the floor later, so just throw it on the floor/ground la. "Sigh....
At home, we were taught to respect our elderly and relatives since young age also. But, something that I always not agreed is that we were taught to respect and value our life, but why not animals' life too. Small animals were slaughtered and cooked as food to fulfill our stomach. I thought we were taught to love our families, relatives and friends then why are we, humanity acting cruelty against small animals who also have families and friends. And, humanity always blaming this not fair, that not fair then what about the life of the small animals on your dinner's plate. Is there a justice for them? Do you ever give the chicken a chance to defend itself before you slaughtered and cooked it as your food?
Thanks to the advance technology, we are now living in a century that give full access of information and freedom. Just a click, we get access to information we need almost instantly. We all knew that alcohol and cigarette are bad for our health and it increases our risk of diagnosis into various cancers. But, how many of us already started to plan where to go partying for this coming X'mas and New Year?.. You might said, hello, this is my body who cares!
Hey, we also knew meat eating is bad for our health and you also knew that how the chicken is fed at the farm. We knew but, ignored the fact. Because of our ignorance, selfishness and reluctant to change, our planet Earth is now facing a great danger. We are not only put our health at risk, but also our mother Earth, the place where our next generations going stay is at risk now.
Become a vegan is like buying an insurance policy to cover yourself, your loved ones and our planet Earth as "Meat eating is a major cause of global warming." is a fact that you and I can not deny. It is the No. 1 contributor to greenhouse gases that causing warming on our Earth's surface and the root cause to many natural disasters that take away precious life. So, should we apply what we had learned at school that is to go direct to the cause and fix it?
What is global warming? Global warming is defined by Wikipedia as "the increased in average temperature on Earth's surface air and oceans. Artic ice melt faster when our Earth's surface get warmer and it caused sea levels to rise eventually lead to more floods, typhoons, hurricanes and other natural disasters. What can we do to stop global warming?
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that increased in average temperature since middle of 20th century was caused by concentration of greenhouse gases resulting from human activities, mainly livestock production. Henceforth, many scientists agreed that the best and fastest solution to stop warming on our Earth's surface is to adopt vegetarian diet.
Why vegetarian? If all nations change to adopt vegetarian/vegan diet, meaning no more demand for meat henceforth livestock farmers will have to stop animals farming and start vegetables farming eventually lead to cut greenhouse gases from livestock production, end poverty, starvation and a good start for a more compassionate world. Another word, Vegan diet is the quickest and most inexpensive way to reduce carbon emissions as compared to switch the entire world to zero-carbon economy and lifestyle that need billions or trillions of dollars, and it takes thousands of years for the gas to dissipate. But, vegan diet give immediate cut down on greenhouse gases emissions, stabilize Earth's surface temperature and very economy.
To stop global warming, we have to stop meat-eating and start to adopt vegan diet. And, by doing so, you are buying the best and valuable insurance policy to cover your family, loved ones and mother Earth. And, also to preserve this beautiful planet Earth for our future generations.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Master's New Book :
"From Crisis to Peace : The Organic Vegan Way is The Answer" is now also available in Chinese. Please log onto the following web:-
Happy reading!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Ami, Child of Stars
Hi all,
Ami, Child of Stars and two other books are now in comics animation and thanks much to the one who take the courtesy to draw it into comics and make it into a video to share with the World. Thanks a lot! Please share with others. The below is the link: -
Monday, December 6, 2010
From Crisis to Peace - The Organic Vegan Way is the Answer

Sincerely and gratefully introduce you Master’s new Book and below is some of Important excerpts from this new book.
Our planet is at emergency position
Supreme Master Ching Hai states that “Our planet is a house that is burning. If we don’t work together with a united spirit to put out the fire, we will not have a home anymore.” She also offers an uplifting solution that every individual can easily achieve that is “Be veg to save the planet.”
In this book Supreme Master Ching Hai presents the major factors associated with global warming, and more importantly, its root cause: Livestock Industry.
Livestock is the Major Cause of Global Crisis
As the crisis escalates, natural disasters are claiming tens of thousands of lives and displacing millions from their homes, with financial losses amounting to billions of dollars. Rising sea levels have already submerged 18 island nations and are threatening many others. In addition, irregular rainfall patterns and intensifying droughts are affecting many regions, thus worsening food and water shortages. And climate experts warn of even more extreme weather conditions to come, with the possibility of “runaway global warming.”
The only way to avoid the “point of no return” climate catastrophe is to take action on the most climatically disastrous course of all—that is, meat production. By now we have all the evidence, all the information to safely say so. The livestock industry is the top greenhouse gas generator.
This is a life-and-death matter for everybody; it’s not a personal choice. And we are eating meat, eating up the whole planet, eating up 90% of the food supply and letting other people hungry.
All these [global warming] situations are getting worse and worse, and won’t stop until we really change the way we live our life. The solution is quite easy: simply stop eating meat; that is the best solution.
A Personal Plea From Supreme Master Ching Hai to All World Leaders.
I suggest all world leaders and governments to please promote the animal-free lifestyle and quick so that we can save our planet.
A Turning Point in Human Evolution
Humans are naturally more generous and peaceful in their heart; it’s just that we all have been misinformed, misunderstood for a long, long, long time. We thought meat was good for us, we thought dairy was good for us, we thought fish was good for us, we thought eggs were good for us. It’s all wrong. It’s all the opposite. It all has been proven that these things that we have been told that are good for us—like meat, fish, dairy, eggs, whatever animal products are “good for us”—is all wrong. It’s the opposite of what is good. It has been bringing us suffering, sickness and tremendous loss of finances from tax payers for curing disease and related business.
We have to stop now, especially stop for our children’s sake. We can’t keep poisoning our children anymore; they are helpless. The poor children, they rely on us, they think we know better, but it’s not our fault either. We just need to turn around.
And above all, it is eating up our planet. It’s not just killing people, it’s not just killing animals, but it’s also killing our planet. And we have to stop it in order to save our world.
The vegan diet is one of the first, single, greatest acts of compassion, of not harming another life and not damaging the environment even. If we compare a meat-based diet to a vegan diet, [the meat-based diet] takes around 14 times as much water, six times as much grain, 10 times as much energy, and over 20 times as much land, while often destroying precious rainforest. Meat is replaceable.
The Earth is Ascending to the Higher Galactic Civilization
Any planetary scientist knows that Mars and Venus went through dramatic atmospheric changes in the past, similar to what we have begun to experience right now. Long ago, Mars and Venus were once a lot like our planet—they had water, life and people similar to us. But the inhabitants of Mars and Venus destroyed their respective planetary homes because they raised too much livestock, and the gases released triggered an irreversible greenhouse-gas effect, plus poisonous hydrogen sulfide in the case of Mars. So, that’s why we see only the traces of the landforms and oceans that once used to be there.
Realizing the Eden Dream
If the world were to go 100% vegetarian right now, the good effect of it would be seen within more or less 60 days. That is eight weeks. Within eight weeks we would see immediate effect. Of course, you’ll also see immediately, it’s almost immediately.
Within eight weeks all disasters will stop. That’s how Heaven is created. What do you think?